Reliable heat supply at all times
CHP plant Reuter, Berlin -
Every detail is right here
Control ball valves before delivery -
Energy flow with high precisison
Power Plant Jänschwalde, Germany -
Energy for the heart of the capital
Power plant Berlin-Mitte -
Reliable in extreme temperatures
Hydroelectric power plant Pamilo (Finland)
The answer for perfect control
The company ARTES Valve & Service GmbH is your expert contact for all kinds of control valves, e. g. Control Ball Valves, Desuperheaters, Steam Converting Stations or Three Way Valves.
At our two production sites in Velten and Quakenbrück, we manufacture special control valves for use in power plants, solution mining for caverns, for the natural gas, hydrogen, petrochemical, and chemical industry. Our valves are precise, durable, and custom designed for your requirements and your special application.
In addition, we also provide service for your valves, from simple diagnostics and valve seat regrinding to repair with new spare parts or even complete reconstruction. Independent of the manufacturer. Reliable. Professional.
Our team with highly specialized and motivated employees is happy to provide assistance for your projects – whether you require new valves or service on existing valves. You can rely on our reliability and expertise.
Johannes Fliegen, Horst Jäkel
Executive directors
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